Santa Claus, Georgia

Did you know that there are only two cities in the world named Santa Claus? Georgia has one of them! Santa Claus, Georgia is located only 15 minutes from Vidalia just off US Hwy 1 south.

Santa Claus boasts Christmas themed streets, such as Candy Cane Lane and Reindeer Street, and Santa Claus City Hall sits at 25 December Drive. Visit the beautiful garden and tiny chapel  built by local volunteers.

Give your friends and family a treat by bringing your Christmas cards to Santa Claus City Hall to have them postmarked. Just drop them off and Santa’s elves will do the rest! While in City Hall, tell them you want to visit the Christmas Gift Shop and Museum. All it takes is a please and thank you!

100 Vidalia Sweet Onion Dr.
Vidalia, Ga 30474
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday 9:00am-5:00pm
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